About Us
CommsADR is an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme which helps resolve disputes about ‘non-regulated’ matters between consumers, non-microbusinesses and communication services.
CommsADR is an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) scheme which helps resolve disputes about ‘non-regulated’ matters between consumers, non-microbusinesses and communication services.
Use of the CommsADR Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme is FREE to consumers and can be submitted without the need for any independent advice or third-party representation.
The main purpose of CommsADR scheme is:
CommsADR is set up as a limited by guarantee company and has three parts to its structure:
Complaints start and finish with the Adjudicator. In his decisions, he is impartial and independent of CommsADR Office, CommsADR Standards Board and all outside influences.
Our independent status is at the heart of everything that we do, as is our commitment to openness, honesty and integrity and we recognise the importance of this to everyone that relies on our services.
Independent Standards Board (“Board”)
To help preserve our independence and provide an invaluable set of checks and balances on our work, The Board acts to regulate how we operate. All board members share our vision of inspiring complainant confidence and raising industry standards and do so on a voluntary basis.
The Board regularly reviews a cross section of our adjudications, to ensure they are both fair and reasonable. It also oversees our rules, practices and procedures.
The Board is governed by the Board Constitution.
a. to direct that a Member take, or desist from taking, such steps as he may specify, including the issuing of a formal apology to the Complainant;
b. to direct that a Member pay the Complainant a financial Award, in full and final settlement, not exceeding £25,000 by way of compensation for i) actual proven financial loss and/or aggravation, distress and/or inconvenience caused by the act(s) or omission(s) which was/were the subject matter of the complaint and/or ii) any reasonable proven costs incurred by the complainant in bringing the complaint.
If the provider is a member of CommsADR, they will be contractually obligated to implement our decision.
There are two (2) ways to bring your complaint to CommsADR:
You can download our paper complaint form here and send the completed form to:
Stratford Office Village
Unit 12 Walker Avenue, Wolverton
Milton Keynes
MK12 5TW
If you have access to the Internet you can file your complaint via our online portal. To access this, simply go to the homepage of the website and click on ‘START MY COMPLAINT’. As soon as you have filed your complaint you will be taken to your own personal portal page. This page provides you with live information about your claim so that you can check the progress at any time of day. Or just simply click here.
The Support Centre – By Consumer Dispute Resolution Ltd (cdrl.org.uk)